THE UNSTOPPable rise of the daleks

Before Daleks got fizzy nozzles, they had to make do with a small clasp on the front of their chassis. When approaching their enemies, they would release this clasp. Unfortunately, the doors fell naturally to, so the Dalek would have to move backwards abruptly to make the door swing slowly open. At this stage of their evolution, Daleks were far more prone to saying "HANG ON A MINUTE".

The development of the Daleks can be roughly divided into five stages :
1. Mindlessly trundling downhill.
2. Flinging selves amiably into swimming pools.
3. Rolling through shop windows and coming out with frilly undies hanging off their manipulator arm.
4. Going after stuff, exterminating.
5. World supremacy, etc.

After Daleks took over the universe, they held a party where it was universally agreed that the prizes in the crackers were "sub-par".