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The Fire Of The AncientsSomeone close to you will die unless you send Basil £12.50
The Hooded Claw Approved

"I'm Wasting My Time!"

When I made this page up, over the couple of slack weeks it took me to rustle together most of this easy shit from the most accessible parts of the brain, I never thought that I would have it in me to offend someone! But it turns out that I'm on the edge, and deeply controversial, as this, my first and only flame letter shows. And it's from Australia, which is strange. You'd think you'd need a sense of humour simply to exist there.
From: Fiona, in Australia
Subj: You are a sick puppy!

 I don't know why you should have to use Basil Brush, my childhood hero, as a way to get attention. Obviously you know you won't get attention any other way. Humour is an art as a form,you have no comprehension. There is funny and there is just plain...time wasting stupidity. What a waste of time your page was. If you care to reply, use my work email as I rarely check the other. I am quite curious as to why you waste your time at all.

I should have known I'd gone too far with Basil. You can walk all over the Christians, you can even use racism if you make sure the irony is dripping, but you mess with Basil and you is meat. Of course, I had to refer this to Basil himself.

Basil Replies

Fuck me Jesus, you got me out of the crapper for this? Never call me out of the crapper unless it's my dealer, or I'll suck your eyes out. Now get me a prostitute and some cocaine, or you're sacked. Fucking hell, have I got the beer shits or what? Boom! Boom!